

A hot healthy meal with friends is a simple way to stay healthy and connected. We serve a congregate lunch Monday-Friday at several locations: Comal County Senior Center, Balcones Haus, and Eden Heights in Comal County.

Individuals 60 years and older qualify for these meals. While individuals 60 and older receive their meals at no cost, a $6 donation is always appreciated. Individuals under the age of 60 are welcome to join us and may purchase a meal for $6 at the locations listed above, as well.

For more information contact us at 830-629-4547.

For individuals unable to join us at the congregate meal locations for a hot meal, home-delivered meals (Meals on Wheels) are provided by Comal County Senior Center, Monday - Friday during the lunchtime hour to homebound seniors in Comal County.

Basic Qualifications for Meals on Wheels include:

  • Age 60 and over

  • Homebound

  • Declining physical abilities

  • Veteran Status

  • Disabled Adult

  • Home visit is required to determine eligibility

For more information contact Donna Burkett.